NCS as it is popularly referred to as is short form of North Clique Signing. The Streets know them to be a bunch of noisy people like me who love to make a lot of Noise. Some people also call them Hooligans but at the long run they define them as a group of talented people in the music industry who have come together with the goal of entertaining and promoting their music from the north so as to bridge the gap between the south and the north. At least that’s the street definition but I call them a brotherhood, a family away from
their family who just seek to make more than just music for your listening pleasure but music to touch the lives of Ghanaians. NCS Members have been in the music industry for some number of years and they have been featured as stage warmers during the beginning of their music careers and they getting there. With a complete membership of twelve (12) spread across so many universities in Ghana, the NCS Crew has made it to several shows and is still making it to several shows. They have attended programs all over Ghana
and are gradually becoming one of the first names now in every organizers list of performing artiste. The NCS members are profiled in so many ways. Some are classified naïve whiles some are just not classified, but have your say. See for yourself what these artistes have done and then you can classify them.
#1. Amshawu Ibbi, known in the showbiz as Amie Rapstress is a Student of the University of Ghana. 20 years of age with the talent of rap music. She’s worked with so many artistes as features including the Great
George Kliff. 2 mixtapes already to her record storage and more to come from her.
#2. Fresh Green is second on the NCS list of signings under the management who is a student of Zenith College in Ghana. 24 years of age with the talent also of rap music. Have 3 Mixtapes in his name and a feature in colleagues’ upcoming songs.
#3. Living Accra to Kumasi is another Signing Called Specx who is also a student of the Baptist University. His Genre of music is Hip-hop. So we can classify him with the talent of Rap music which I think runs
through the Family here. He has a track with Trigmatic with more to come from him.
#4. This artiste is one of the newest artiste to be signed onto this label and he calls himself Phlexis. A 23
years Hip-hop artiste with so much to offer and so much down the
pipelines so watch out for him.
#5. This 23 year artiste, Raheem. A student of the Zenith College I consider one of the faces of NCS
with 3 singles and 2 mixtapes in his album deck I love to call it. With so much to offer. He was also featured on the Zenith college cypher last year due to his unique style of rap. He got talent and I don’t even know what Genre of music he makes because he got it all.(versatility) he has featured Iwan,Awal of Talented kids and other established artistes in his songs.
#6. The 25 year banker with the spirit of a rap icon and another face of the NCS crew. He is known to most Ghanaians as X’treme. Multi-talented with 8 singles. He has it all figured out. With the genre of rap music and contemporary RnB. Watch out for him because he is holding it down. His latest single ‘Bum Bum shaker’ is making waves in the Gh music industry.
#7. Within NCS is Another Unique group they call Q-Drama. Q-drama comprises of Maaweh Mr. a 25 year NCS rapper and singer with four mixtapes of his own. He was a student of the University for Development Studies. Also in Q-drama is Kale Lowle, 22 year Singer of the University for development
studies Wa-Campus with 3 mixtapes in his personal library. The last of this group is the 24 year Ragga/Reggaeton member of the crew. Casper is his name and has 4 mixtapes and 2 main features. Q-drama is a unit in NCS and cannot be taken lightly. Music by them is due to be released some weeks
from now.
#8. Shaker Billz, 23 years of age and a student of the university for development studies-Wa Campus.
With a single, the Signing is due to release more of his works very soon and cannot be taken unserious.
#9. Nabil as he is popularly known as is also a student of the Zenith College and has no released song
yet but would be featured on Scottish’s Next Single. He is also talented under the genre of Rap Music.
#10. Scottish, A media man and a singer with 2 singles in his name. He has some upcoming singles with
features from Nabil and Fresh Green. The guy has a spirit of a rap God so check out his work when done cause it will be made available at danoisyboi.blogspot.com .
NCS also known as North Clique Signing will be performing on the 20th of April on the Rapperholic tour. More singles with big names in the music industry will be released as soon as they are complete from NCS and for those of you who aren’t able to meet then during the Rapperholic tour
can do that during the Yes Boss tour later in the year. Will get you every detail on NCS and others whenever you need it.
DaNoisyboi Dakorah…