Friday, October 18, 2013

Article: Da thing about Friendship

Remember when friendship used to matter to people...yeah well now it doesn't.anymore. Nowadays sideline their bros because of pussy.Where is da humanity,and da lets go out with gals bcos we like them and they are funny and they make us laugh and they are our friends.What happened to cooking meals for male friends as a kind gesture of warmth and affection.Now its all gone to shit.
In a university up north you may know as UDS, a guy only takes a gal out if he is;
a) Fucking her
b) Wants to fuck her or
c) Wants to fuck her friend and is worming his way through her(love me love my dog)
Can you actually believe they have a term called "ALHAJI" which is given to guys that do things for gals.Now no guys knows how to be friendly or be a gentleman in that school.No helping a gals with her groceries to her hostel or coming over to do some heavy lifting for her and that sort.
As i said.....its all gone to shit.
Da thing you don't know about friendship is that,when cherished well it can take you places,give you soooo much opportunities,and shock you in da best way ever. Good friendship can become your rock and your solid ground,it can be your life long shoulder to love,support and cherish you. And the best thing about how friendship used to be is never lets you down.
But still as i said......ITS ALL GONE TO SHIT!!!

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